Mónica Carmona
Fine Artist
Introduction to Oil Painting
Wednesdays 4:00 - 6:00 pm
The Introduction to Oil Painting Course is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge to begin working with oils using the Direct Method within a Traditional approach. Advanced students will gain a deeper understanding of various oil painting techniques and methods, including studies in Portraiture, Landscapes, and Still Life.
*We have limited capacity, If you are interested fill out the registration form.
*Fundamentals of Drawing I and II are required to take this course.
Lesson 1 Introduction to Oil Painting Materials (oils, mediums, brushes and supports)
Lesson 2 Introduction to Direct Method.
Lesson 3 The Light and the Value Scale with Oils
Lesson 4 Fundamentals of Composition.
Lesson 5 How to Paint an sphere in Direct Method
Lesson 6 Monochromatic Still life
Lesson 7 Monochromatic Still Life II
Lesson 8 Monochromatic Still Life III
Lesson 9 Introduction to Color
Lesson 10 Introduction to Color II
Lesson 11 The Zorn Palette
Lesson 12 The Value Scale with Color
The Course is 12 Lessons, 2 hours per lesson, once a week / a total of 24 hours
You can order your Art Supplies for this course at Blick Art Store, Amazon or in the store of your choice.
*We have limited capacity, If you are interested fill out the Registration Form and I will reply as soon as possible.
Location: Santa Teresa, San Jose, California *very near the Santa Teresa Library Branch